Week 2
Topic 2 Methods and Meanings
This week firstly came around too quickly and the content sat a little easier with me this week. As a management consultant of many years standing concepts, methods and methodologies have been a staple part of my work although in the field of operations management rather than photography but I’m a system driven...
The topic for this first week was that common metaphor of photography being both a window on the world outside of our own environment (and experience) but also a mirror which projects itself on the sights and objects around us.
For me I think historically I have always used my photography as a window on the world around me and have occasionally us...
Week 1
The first week of any course is always a challenge and when that course is a challenging MA program in an academically strong University with a range of international students it is even more of a challenge.
Although I have studied at master’s level before it was in Manufacturing Systems Engineering and it was 20 years ago. I have no forma...