Week 7 Words and Pictures

December 03, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Continuing the theme of my journey through the first module text with images has been another area which I have never integrated into my practice. I seldom caption images rather relying on a generic introduction to the images on Instagram or Facebook along the lines of ‘a set of images from a model shoot with X. I would never title each image individually that has never been a part of my appro ach to showing my work. 

Having said that I can see that using text to guide the viewer towards a particular reading of an image can be useful and I think going forward it may well be one of my new year resolutions to caption images that I place in the public domain where appropriate. Probably one of many new year resolutions along with cataloguing my work more effectively with keywords etc.

I can honestly say text has never undermined my photography but I’m very aware that this is a distinct possibility and I need to take care when captioning images which may convey a different message than the one, I think it does!

This week also saw the release of the first assignment marks and given I’m very new to critically reviewing my word at least in an academic sense and despite being a confident public speaker recording a video was a whole new challenge!

My mark was 58% just under a merit and for a first assignment and being rushed to finished it thorough other more pressing commitments I’m happy with that. The feedback from Gem was positive and very much around appraising my work critically and reflecting and discussing other practitioners. Early days but I am happy with that! 

The presentation can be viewed here https://youtu.be/k6WE_vKfzPs

Image of the week is the sea front at Colwyn Bay taken while I was refereeing the local 10K road race.




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