Week 12 Module Reflections

December 18, 2021  •  1 Comment

The final week of the module and a chance to reflect, take stock and work out what I need to do in the next module.

This 12 week’s has flown by and I’ve just about kept my head above water, I’ve submitted the two assignments on time, passed both and just kept up with presentations, seminars and tutorials but what I haven’t done is much in the way of background reading.

The results were posted on Wednesday for the Illustrated proposal and glad I passed with a mark of 56% slightly lower than last times but I’m happy with that. The feedback was a bit mixed and left me wondering why it was only 56% and what I needed to do to increase the score.

The feedback was positive in a sense (well written, good basic research) but again lacked that more in-depth referencing of other practitioners and the ‘lots of ideas’ but…type of feedback and a need to see something different from me rather than candid documentary photographer.

I’ve enjoyed the module very much it certainly opened my eyes to how little I do other than take photos! And whilst I’m good technically and have an eye for an image I need to understand and apply more to my photograph both to improve my practice and also to pass the MA!

So, for me the takeaways from the module are:

  • Read more! On both photography in general and on practitioners who may add something to my practice.
  • Start the assignments earlier!
  • Interact with my fellow students more often because of the demand on my time from my consulting business I have neglected that, and it was good last night to realise I’m not the only one in the same boat!
  • Start to apply some of thinking from the modules into my photography…think about the why I’m taking an image, what I want it to show the viewer and whether it achieves that. 
  • Challenge myself to do something new, experiment and she what works and what captures my attention

So the end of module 1 and 20% of the way through the course, time to rest, read, get out and take some photos and prepare for the next module which looks really interesting and something to get my teeth into. 

This week's image comes from a fashion photoshoot in Chester 



Clipping Path Universe(non-registered)
I have honestly never read such overwhelmingly good content like this.
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